News of January, 2016


27.01.2016   40 comments   Category: Site news

I like to introduce an idea to make events more challanging and even more like real life racing. This idea would not apply to all events, in fact it could be a separate category of events. Also, racers who don't have good hardware will probably not be able to compete in such events, but that can't be a reason not to offer such a format to racers who have good hardware.

The 2 main problems with multi-player are time zones and latency. It is virtually impossible to organize mp events where all racers need to be available at a certain point in time. Latency depends greatly on your modem, router and internet provider. We already have what we call time-shifted multi-player, i.e. racing against opponents who posted their result and replay file before you.

The idea is to force opponents in the main final round, this would turn such an event in kind of a time-shifted multi-player event. You would then have opponents who raced in the same event, same conditions etc. but not at the same time. We could give you up... read more


26.01.2016   44 comments   Category: Site news

With more and more race series and events it would be great to be able to involve active and enthusiastic racers to become official VRC reporters to write about the on-going series and events. There is a lot of Race Talk going on on the event pages and it would be great to see regular race reports appearing again. However, this has to come from within the VRC racing community! This is your racing...

We are about to finish a special Reporter feature to enable reporters to create and publish their race reports directly on the VRC World website, including images (screenshots are easily made...) and possibly also a video link.

We are looking for VRC members who are able to write inreasonable good English, it doesn't have to be perfect English, racers will surely excuse you for the occassional spelling or linguistic error. One per class would be fantastic, you could also cover related classes like 1:8 nitro and electric buggies.

So if you feel like getting involved in the VRC community let me know and I w... read more


08.01.2016   10 comments   Category: Site news

Saturday January 9 the new racing season starts. Go to the events page to check out all the racing!
Electric buggies is now also part of the racing season in both open and spec class. As announced earlier, the official Season 1 series is about 8 events over a period of 4 months, of which your best 5 results will count for the Series championship.

The skill levels for all the classes you have raced in in the past season and WC's have been recalculated.


Go to your personal racer class overview page, check all the skill levels and if you want to compete in a higher class you can set that now.

The Spec classes do NOT count for the overall rankings.
The NASCAR on-road events do not count for the overal on-road rankings.

Enjoy the new racing season!


04.01.2016   20 comments   Category: Site news

We have made some big changes to the ranking system which will change all the actual rankings.

The ranking system is an on-going points system to show the strength of racers, not in a particular season, but over a certain period of time. The ranking will only include official events like Series events, VRC Worlds events etc. Weekly's etc. are not part of the rankings. We may eventually create separate rankings for these events.

Rankings are class specific or can be combined. The rankings are available on each racer level, Club, Sport and Pro. When you change to another racer class for a particular event class you will gradually build up a new ranking again for that class.

The spec and modified classes are now separated on event level, meaning that modified and spec will now have their own rankings, before spec events were also part of the modified rankings. As you are allowed to use a spec chassis in modified events you can still earn points for the modified ranking as the event is for the modified ... read more

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