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RC Excitement 2013 Show-down lay-out.
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1:8 Rally Xn/a
1:8 Rally X Specn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WDn/a
1:10 Short Course 4WD 13.5Tn/a
1:8 Electric buggyn/a
1:8 Electric buggy Specn/a
1:10 Electric Basher & Crawlern/a
1:10 Electric Bashing & Crawling Truck Specn/a
00 00 00
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11.03.2015   6 comments   Video: 1 available


This time we focus on Club class short course racing with 13.5T motors. Sandro Cabreira from Brasil came out on top after early front runners Mahoudeau and Nelson had led the race early on. It even looked like Florent Mahoudeau would win the race but a serious mistake in the very last lap cost him deerly. Greg Nelson could not make up the lost ground and came 0.8 seconds short on the Frenchman to complete the podium.

Short Course trucks 13.5T A-Main CLUB
1 Sandro Cabreira BR 29 08:13.294
2 Florent Mahoudeau FR 29 08:14.023
3 Greg Nelson US 29 08:15.548
4 Arturas Svoba LT 28 08:12.554
5 Michael Ginther US 28 08:13.031
6 Dustin Rashid US 27 08:00.415
7 Aljosa Jurjavcic SI 27 08:05.346
8 David Baker US 27 08:07.386
9 Mike Garrison US DNS
10 Milan Mudra CZ DNS


10.07.2014   5 comments   Video: 1 available


US National champion Rob Gillespie has added another victory to his laurels, edging out Nicolas Loriot (FR) and Billy Caley (US) after a hard fought 8 minute A-Main final at the 2013 Shout-out layout of RC Excitement. All 3 front runners lead the A-Main for several laps, the race was decided in the last 3 laps! In the end less than 2 seconds were between the 3 podium finishers.

7 Seconds trailing the leading trio Barnebas Toth (HU), Kirby Backemeyer (US) and Antoine Rosseti (FR) had a race of their own, with Toth securing 4th in the last lap, and Rosseti passing Backemeyer to claim a top-5 finish. Martin Wollanka who leads the Series and TQ-ed wasn’t able to start this race due to ‘real life’ r/c racing commitments. With 3 drop results in the 8 race series he can afford to skip 1 or 2…

A-Main final:
1 Rob Gillespie US 30 08:01.077
2 ... read more

Round 3 at RC Excitement 2013, Reversed

14.11.2013   7 comments


Report by Donald Stark (VRC race reporter)

Racing Backwards
Okay so here is the deal, Off-road tracks are made with the jumps to flow in a single direction, when you reverse them it can have some adverse effects. RCE 13 is difficult to run in reverse but not impossible, there are a few challenges that require the drivers’ full attention. The table, double, doubles after the whoops are three sections that can be a race breaker. Swing wide in the turn clear the table, punch it for the double and coast over the last double and you have it made, mess up on the turn and take your chances on three jumps. I ended up on my lid more times than I would like to admit.
The winner of this week’s Pro 13.5 and Mod events had the section wired along with the rest of the track.

Racing Action
In the SC MOD Pro A Main, Rob Gillespie Took the lead and crossed the line in first place followed by Eben Coetzee, Matthew Stacey, Jerome djay D... read more

Season 3 Round 5 “RC Excitement 2013

20.09.2013   5 comments


Report by Donald Stark (VRC race reporter)

What does 3D Suspension and RC Excitement 2013 have in common? They are both fresh off the drawing board and both were the starts this weekend. After many comments concerning the set-up problems associated with the new model it seems that lap times began dropping like prices at Wal-Mart on Black Friday.

The Track
RC Excitement 2013 is a nice little track with great traction and mild jumps that flow through a 10 turn layout. Driving smooth tight lines is the way to run a fast lap. In order to do this the setup is paramount, this led many drivers to reach into the set-up files and begin testing. Some great files were released and the competition heated up. I predicted that a high 14 second lap would be possible but it turned out that the best lap on RCE 13 is, 15.457 by Nicolas Loriot.


The chassis in the 13.5 class does not support many adjustments at all so all c... read more


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