Welcome to VRC Australia's Offroad Racing Club,

What I am hoping to do is run events each week as well as a few odd ones on the side to help mix it up.

I will really push to get the live multi player matches happening as often as possible nearly 24/7 just a place to meet practice and chat with people that share the same interests.

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Club details

Created: 05.11.2013
Country: AU Australia
Home track: MHS Raceway 1
Members: 11

Tips & knowledge item

"That perfect Feel" -Tuning the "Dead zone" added: 15.09.2014

Category: Recommendation     Views: 7842     Rating:    

Dead zone Pt2.

Finding the perfect steering "feel" to suit a specific track can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when it comes to the open chassis class's. With so many option's in Chassis adjustment it's not hard to find yourself getting lost in all the "Degrees" @ %'s.

When you find your car setup is still over steering and to re-active in a straight line, and tuning the set-up just isn't changing the over all Feel of the car , That's when adjusting the Dead zone is the Key.

Adjustment vary's greatly depending on the chassis and track surface. Some examples below.

1/12th @ VRC Carpet2..My preference = 7% deadzone ( 1.8deg toe out)

1/10th 13.5 @ Messina..My Pref = 14% DZ (27deg lock)

1/10th 13.5 @ Vrc Carpet2..My Pref = 5% DZ (30deg Lock).

As you can see above ,the 1/10th"Spec" chassis has limited set-up adjustment ,but by setting the "DZ" correctly for your personal driving style and experience you can greatly improve the way the car enter's "AND" more importantly "Exit's " the apex.

The final part of the steering feel but no less important, is "Setting the lock"..Once you have the Dead Zone set And the change of direction feels "SWEET"...Then by setting the "lock" to suit the Longest or Hardest apex EG- the key-way @ Vrc Carpet2 then you can achieve a consistent line at "Full Lock" without over-steering into the barrier.

Please rate this if you found it useful,@ Look out for my Tip on Setting "Sway Bars".

"Enjoy your Racing"


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(Total posts: 8)
24.11.2014 [12:24]
That's interesting, I find if I shift the saturation on the throttle channel above 93% then the neutral point begins to shift in and out of centre, Esp annoying on the steering channel as the car will veer off-centre. I can view the "glitch" in the calibration mode after I lift the saturaion above 90% But as I have stated previously I'm using the very cheap VRC stick controller...So I can only speak of my own experience's. With my hardware @ Windows 7 etc... :-)
22.11.2014 [09:56]
Interesting this is (in a Yoda type of voice).
Won't increasing the deadzone mean you have an area where the steering snaps into and out of.
I agree that is does make the car more stable in a straight line...but dropping into it and out of it may cause 'sudden' steering changes. Using the MHW USB, the accuracy is very high so I always tend to have it set fairly low (2 to 4). I havn't tried such a high number on a tarmac track (14)...maybe this is why I find the elec 10th tricky to drive. Will try it.
I think VRC built the 'deadzone' in to allow for radio/USB systems with a 'jittery' signal...especially at neutral.
Also,....I DO find that the other setting is crucial, 'saturation'....I actually think of it as a 'speed' though....also effects the accuracy of the steering...at 100 it is vary smooth but also slower (turn in etc). At 75 it is more grainy, but quicker turn in. The same goes for the throttle saturation. Don't just leave them at 90 or whatever the default is....try them high and low and see the difference. Watch out though, the throttle one might effect your braking amount and braking point (for those using drag brake).
20.11.2014 [08:05]
I run ABS on 1/8 and 1/10 nitro on VRC. But I use K.O KIY. Don't use it on electric. How about everyone else do they use it?
20.11.2014 [06:10]
"Never stop learning". So true , Wish I had more time for VRC this year... Maybe then I could find the switch for ABS on this VRC Stick controller.. ;-)

"Enjoy your racing"
15.10.2014 [04:03]
Recommend reading for all Virtual Aus Pro Members!
15.10.2014 [04:01]
Lock= steering angle on setup sheet
15.10.2014 [03:59]
You never stop learning. We are all on the path and getting there isn't easy. Many ways to get there.

Edited by author: 15.10.2014 3:00:38 GMT
15.10.2014 [03:55]
I love this. Perfect essay on Dead Zone

About the author

James F
AU Australia
Member since 14.11.2013
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1:10 Nitro NASCARTruck Spec
9.70 (Sport)

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