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LRP Masters track in Eppelheim Germany, 2007 layout. This typical electric track has barriers and dots to mark the track which makes this track very demanding. It takes a lot of practice to go fast here and be consistent. The ideal practice track for the die-hard electric racer to stay in shape for the big events.

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2016 SEASON 1 1:12 SPORTSCARS 10.5T ROUND 5 Eppelheim 1



Report by J-P.Huhtala (VRC race reporter)

2016 Season 1 and round 5, Eppelheim 1

After Oslo event, what was wonned by Italian Massimiliano Tanturri, it was time to travel Germany and Eppelheim track. Tanturri hadnt joined this event but there was enough those talents to give us good show. This tracks layout is from 2007 LRP masters. The track is very demanding because its marked by dots and barriers. You have to practice a lot in here if you want to be fast and consistent. Of course, this is easy to supertalents who are fast everywhere they go.

At qualifying nothing miracles happend as round was ended. Raistrick from Britain was in TQ place, with 1.5 margin before USA driver Dana Bailes. Third grid was driven by Hong Kong`s talent Carson yeung. Yeung`s distance to winner was huge, over 12 seconds. Fourth grid went to Eliasson from Iceland and fifth grid to Hampton from Britain. By these results, it was pretty obvious that Raistrick and Bailes would solve this win here. Yeung`s had to find something special if he wanted to challenge those two at front.

From the start, Bailes from second grid pushed really and got the lead. Raistrick was very close range all the time and fight was really close. First four laps Bailes leaded this duo, but he made mistake at lap five and this allowed Raistrick to gain first place. After eight laps, when Raistrick was charging this final, Graham got little trouble at 14th lap and now Bailes got the lead with 2 seconds margin. But immediatly after few laps at 16th lap Bailes rhytm little losted and he made his mistake.

Raistrick wonned the qualifying, but Bailes had little better pace at Final.

He stayed at lead but he had losted his two seconds advantage against Raistrick. This was very close battle against these two, margins were close and this was what we hope and expected. Finally Bailes was little stronger with pace than Raistrick and came to finishline with 1.5 seconds before Raistrick. These two were so fast that Hong Kong`s Carson Yeung didnt have any weapons to challenge these two. Carson came third to checkered flag, his gap to Raistrick was huge 22 seconds. But Carson drive good final, even he got few mistakes, he was very safe position at third place.

Carson Yeung was driving in safe third spot.

Fourth place went to Ivan Mula from Spain, his margin to Yeung at third place was seven seconds. Mula had good battle with Finnish Heikki Huhtala. Huhtala had better pace than Mula, but this 30 years old Spanish driver didnt surrender. Huhtala leaded this duo all the way up to lap 30, where he made his first mistake and immediatly at next lap he got troubles more. By these mistakes, Mula got advantage and drove to well deserved fourth place.

Heikki Huhtala(behind) had better pace than Mula. Huhtala`s two mistakes were too much and Mula drove well deserved fourth place.

In SPORT level race, podiums were clear. Lee Passehl from USA drove the victory with 8.5 seconds margin before Markus Andreasson from Sweden. Third place went to Stephen Cheung from Australia, his gap to winner was 22 seconds.

In CLUB level Portugues Nuno Lourenco and French David Lalanne solved the top podium.
This race was really close call, but finally Nuno was little stronger at the end. he drove victory with 2.7 seconds margin to Lalanne. Third place went to Aron Roach from Australia.

A main PRO

1|Dana Bailes|US|37|08:00.388 2|Graham Raistrick|GB|37|08:01.888 3|Carson Yeung|HK|36|08:11.152 4|Ivan Mula|ES|35|08:05.328 5|Heikki Huhtala|FI|35|08:06.134 6|KOJI SAZIMA|JP|34|08:03.790 7|Sigurður J Elíasson|IS|DNS 8|Adam Hampton|GB|DNS 9|Milan Peka|CZ|DNS 10|Thorsten Müller|DE|DNS

A main SPORT
1|Lee Passehl|US|35|08:03.592 2|Markus Andreasson|SE|35|08:12.120 3|Stephen Cheung|AU|34|08:07.792 4|Mark Raddenbury|GB|34|08:10.098 5|Javier Fraga|US|34|08:12.736 6|Thomas Klingen|DE|34|08:15.516 7|Jose Manuel Cruz Marquez|MX|33|08:03.234 8|Syuichi Eguchi|JP|33|08:07.228 9|Yuriy Meshkov|RU|33|08:12.148 10|Mike Bridges|CA|32|08:01.062

A main CLUB
1|Nuno Lourenco|PT|35|08:42.380 2|David LALANNE|FR|34|08:01.022 3|Aron Roach|AU|31|08:09.198 4|Giovanni Prini|IT|30|08:02.858 5|Luca Bottai|IT|30|08:10.040 6|Garrett Benson|US|30|08:14.504 7|Gary Climie|CA|29|08:09.112 8|Chauvet Nicolas|FR|DNS 9|Arya BM|ID|DNS 10|Michel V.d ven|NL|DNS


PRO level
1|Graham Raistrick|390 2|Dana Bailes|388 3|Carson Yeung|366 4|Billy Yeung|309 5|Sigurður J Elíasson|306 6|Martin Kreuzberger|289 7|Hans Guenther Heitsch|265 8|Seiya Inoue|264 9|Heikki Huhtala|260 10|Stanislav Pavlíček|259

SPORT level
1|Lee Passehl|400 2|Jose Manuel Cruz Marquez|352 3|Mike Bridges|344 4|Erwin Fiselberger|306 5|Thomas Klingen|304 6|Mark Raddenbury|286 7|Javier Fraga|280 8|Gary Sundman|274 9|Rumsey Rammuny|257 10|Yuriy Meshkov|255

CLUB level
1|David LALANNE|394 2|Gary Climie|323 3|Lando Landini|299 4|Paulo Machado|267 5|Jodie Grein|251 6|Nuno Lourenco|228 7|Garrett Benson|210 8|Aron Roach|205 9|Don Wadkins|194 10|Robert Yelle|191



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(Total posts: 4)
24.08.2020 [10:05]
It was so exciting for me to see the thrilling competition between the toughest racers of the world in the Eppelheim track. Raistrick and Bailes gave us several entertaining moments that we enjoyed I wrote those feelings and moments in an essay which I wrote after reading reviews about writing help on website, I always feel free to read reviews about things before purchasing them.
19.09.2016 [05:51]
Nice!! :)
22.03.2016 [09:01]
Thank you Carson, aprheciated!!
Keep up the consistent driving!
21.03.2016 [11:55]

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