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Fear Farm, host of 'THE DIRT', 2013 version
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2016 SEASON 1 1:10 SC TRUCKS 13.5T SPEC ROUND 3 Fear Farm


Report by J-P.Huhtala (VRC race reporter)

2016 Season 1 and round 3 Fear Farm

After two rounds, RC Exitement and Bash Pit Short, SC10 13.5 trucks third race were held in here, Fear Farm. Sandro Cabreira and Tony Dugan were setting the pace earlier race at Bash Pit Short.
As allmost all top drivers from earlier races were also here, event was ready to go and expectations for the good race were high.

At qualifying, Swedish driver Robert Hillman showed his pace. This 36 years old talent woned Brasilian Sandro Capreira with 2.8 seconds margin. Third fastest in qualifying was William Ables from USA. Winner from the first race, Austrian Thomas Rössler got the fourth and fifth grid went to Netherlands driver Peter Haaima.
So, looking these results, without mistakes, win would be probaply one mans show. How did it go, lets race.

As the race was arranged and drivers were ready, we noticed that third grid qualifier William Ables wasnt at the grid. This was pit sad, so good pace he had in qualy.
From the start of tone, it looked guite obvious that this was going to be Hillman`s show. So fantastic his start was and pace looked good. Of course, this was so early stage, that nothing had solved, but he was getting away from Capreira after few corners. But this Brasilian Capreira got his ”racemode” pretty guickly on, and he stayed short distance behind the leader. When first lap was over and drivers went to second lap, Cabreira was only half second behind our leader Hillman. Chasing group was allmost two seconds behind Capreira`s tail. This chasing group was leaded by Peter Haaima, Dugan was in fourth place. Dugan had doned fantastic first lap, as his start grid was 9th. At lap two Hillman at lead did bad jump under the rostrum, his car landed on the pipe and Capreira got the lead. Dugan had passed Haaima, and was now in third position and closed the gap to Hillman in second place.
When third lap started, Capreira was in lead with 2.4seconds margin to Hillman in second spot. Dugan was in third and Thomas Rössler in fourth place. Rössler wasnt in easy place, as Haaima and Delamare were pressuring him in half seconds distance. Unfortunatelly from this group, Haaima had his mistake when he was coming down to turn five, he touched the pipe and rolled his car. At same lap Rössler got trouble, he cutted turn seven and Delamare got steady fourth place. now Dugan in third position got some difficulties, he lost time in jumps with bad rhytm and Delamare got third place. But this Delamare`s third place joy didnt last long, Dugan`s pace in fourth position was so good, that he got his position back in next jumps.
Capreira was leading with 2.4 seconds of Hillman, this was going to be tough challenge to Hillman.

Capreira who was looking promising at beginning, he did too many mistakes and had to surrender to Hillman. Hillman`s allmost clean and fast run was too much for him.

It wasnt easy for Capreira either, in very same spot where Hillman landed his jump on the pipe, Capreira also did this at lap 4. Hillman got closer, and more closer he got when Capreira also cutted the corner 9 and it was very close that marshal was needed. But he survived pretty easily of that cutting, but Hillman was in striking distance. When lap 6 started, Dugan in third position had big problems to get rostrum straight, he survived also but Delamare got closer. In this lap, Capreira at the lead doned his mistake when he came to corner 9. He propably was in bad rhytm with those jumps, and last jump ended of the track and he collided to haystack. His car rolled and marshal was needed. It seemed that anything was with Capreira, as he once again in lap 7, collided to pipe in very same place than earlier lap. Now Dugan lifted his position from three to two. But Capreira wasnt far away, and in next lap when Capreira got his rhytm back, he passed Dugan. Hillman was in lead with stable 7 seconds margin to second one, Capreira. Point where Capreira passed Dugan, Dugan made his mistake and now Sorjonen had lifted to third place. Robert Sorjonen who had started from last grid, had doned fantastic run to this point and getting the podium at finishline would be something, as we knewed how talented drivers were against.
But unfortunatelly his rhytm was totally losted at rostrum straight when he landed on the pipe, got bad speed for big jumps and he dropped to sixth position. When last minute started, this was interesting. There was three drivers competing of last podium place, as Dugan, Rössler and Haaima were in the battle. Haaima losted this battle in jumps to coming to turn nine and fight was now between Dugan and Rössler. At last lap, under the rostrum big jumps, Dugan made mistake and Rössler got third place. But this wasnt over yet, Sorjonen had doned furios drive and closed the gap. Dont know where he came, but he was close behind Rössler`s tail. As Rössler also made jump with bad rhytm when they came to turn nine. They were side by side and this was nice. Only two corners to finishline and that was it.

This was close, as Sorjonen got his "battle rhytm" on, Rössler was in tight pressure. Sorjonen started from 10th grid and end up to 4th. This was taken just few meters before finishline.

When they came finishline Sorjonen was only 0.1 second behind Rössler and got the fourth place. Magnificent performance from Sorjonen, started from 10th and ended up 4th, was something special.
Thomas Rössler got last podium place and Capreira was in second place, 6 seconds before Rössler.

This driver also doned great run, even there was some mistakes. Tony Dugan(US) started from 9th and finished 5th, nice driving.

Our winner Robert Hillman from Sweden, showed allready at qualifying that he was man to beat here. His pace was really enjoyable to watch, but without problems he didnt get this win. Even he got about 5 seconds from those mistakes, he was at finishline 7.4 seconds ahead Capreira. Great performance Robert!

In SPORT level race Indonesia Hijrah Saputra drove to victory. His pace was good enough to beat the others and he was at finishline 3.2 seconds margin to second one.
Two Austrian`s, Stefan Neuberger and Josef Angleitner competed very tight final, Stefan was alltime ahead of Josef, but very tiny margin. At finishline difference between these two was only 1.2 seconds.

In CLUB level TEAM USA was setting the pace to others. First American at finishline was John Dasch, he wonned second one James Mastroddi with 5.1 seconds margin. Third place got Jabin Carlton, his margin to winner was over 9 seconds. Also in fourth place went to USA, Carl Weber.

A main PRO

1|Robert Hillman|SE|11|07:19.955 2|Sandro Cabreira|BR|11|07:27.306 3|Thomas Rössler|AT|11|07:33.477 4|Robert Sorjonen|CA|11|07:33.580 5|Tony DUGAN|US|11|07:36.528 6|Christophe DELAMARE|FR|11|07:42.146 7|Peter Haaima|NL|10|07:00.545 8|Arturas Svoba|LT|10|07:02.455 9|William Ables|US|DNS 10|Sean Krause|DE|DNF

A main SPORT
1|Hijrah Saputra|ID|11|07:41.325 2|Stefan Neuberger|AT|10|07:00.471 3|Josef Angleitner|AT|10|07:01.728 4|Zack Habram|US|10|07:07.440 5|Glenn Mathias|US|10|07:09.505 6|Derek Jacobs|US|10|07:12.683 7|Andrew Adamic|AU|10|07:12.866 8|Markus Aicher|DE|10|07:21.031 9|Mike Bridges|CA|10|07:28.329 10|Phillip Carey|US|DNS

A main CLUB
1|John Dasch|US|10|07:08.608 2|James Mastroddi|US|10|07:13.772 3|Jabin Carlton|US|10|07:18.112 4|Carl Weber|US|10|07:39.180 5|Nuno Lourenco|PT|10|07:40.595 6|Dave T|CA|10|07:41.200 7|Robert Regl|US|10|07:42.892 8|Jodie Grein|US|9|07:01.549 9|Chris Elworthy|GB|DNS 10|Ludovic Corpataux|CH|DNS


1|Robert Hillman|230 2|Tony DUGAN|214 3|Arturas Svoba|195 4|Thomas Rössler|188 5|Carson Yeung|184 6|Robert Sorjonen|179 7|Atsushi Takeshita|176 8|Greg Nelson|175 9|Milan Peka|170 10|David Baker|169

1|Josef Angleitner|222 2|Zack Habram|206 3|Steve Davidson|190 4|Erwin Fiselberger|156 5|Mike Bridges|152 6|Hijrah Saputra|150 7|Gary Sundman|147 8|Alfred Oberhuber|145 9|Andrew Adamic|144 10|Markus Aicher|138

1|John Dasch|234 2|Jabin Carlton|228 3|Jodie Grein|181 4|Cyril Perin|168 5|Dion Olson|163 6|Paulo Machado|162 7|Sean Krause|158 8|James Mastroddi|148 9|Dave T|142 10|Carl Weber|132


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08.07.2020 [08:59]
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Edited by author: 8.7.2020 8:01:48 GMT
23.06.2020 [13:06]
This video contains some really good highlights of this game, and I am glad you've shared this here. I am working on the ninja essays reviews paper currently, and I'll make sure that I share this video link in my paper.

Edited by author: 23.6.2020 17:20:45 GMT
22.03.2016 [18:23]
Posted by: Tony DUGAN (US) on 15.3.2016 13:14:40 (UTC) Great Job Jupa. I do not know who does the screen shots and video compilations but you do a great job and best of all, my 8 year old son loved it and thought it was "amazing" that I could get on TV. I didn't tell him it wasn't TV. Thanks for your hard work. Edited by author: 15.3.2016 13:15:14 GMT

This was nice to hear about your son, very nice. Wishes to your son and rest of the family!!
15.03.2016 [13:14]
Great Job Jupa. I do not know who does the screen shots and video compilations but you do a great job and best of all, my 8 year old son loved it and thought it was "amazing" that I could get on TV. I didn't tell him it wasn't TV. Thanks for your hard work.

Edited by author: 15.3.2016 13:15:14 GMT
06.03.2016 [00:18]
Thanks Wojciech!
05.03.2016 [13:59]
Great report!
05.03.2016 [08:00]
Thanks about comments, those are most aphreciated!
04.03.2016 [23:05]
Great report

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