Player profile - Don R

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Name: Don R
Age: (restricted)
Country: USA US
Home town: (restricted)
RC Clubs: South Georgia No Limit R/C
VRC Clubs: not a member of any club
Favorite brands: Leadfinger, Avid, Jconcepts, Smc, Hyperdrive,Associated
Favorite VRC tracks: Rhein-Main, MHS Raceway 1, VRC Super Speedway Oval Course
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been racing rc since 1988, started out racing dirt oval, the rest was pancar oval with some touring car races once in awhile, mostly oval. my interests is getting into 1/8 off roa...
Best skill rating: 1:8 Nitro NASCAR Truck Spec   rating: 9.10 (Sport)
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Social status: Level1

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