Welcome to the P4oject

Club details

Club name: P4oject
Created: 03.06.2013
Manager: Rauno Lainemae
Country: EE Estonia
Home track: NEO-1
Members: 163

Club forum > Event talk: Neo13 1/8 Buggy

(Total posts: 2) Topic rating: Only active members can post new items
04.05.2014 [13:08] new
pouvez me dire pourquoi j arrive pas a jouer au 1/8 nitro alors que j ai payer 44.95, deja prelevé depuis le 29 avril.
04.05.2014 [13:26] new
Sorry, I don't understand french. You need to buy 1/8 buggy to take part of this event. And also you need to be a member of club P4oject. have sent you an invitation :P

Edited by author: 4.5.2014 12:27:16 GMT