25.10.2023 50 comments Category: Site news
We are planning to release the following new tracks for the upcoming 2023 VRC Worlds on Fridays November 3rd.
Welkom Arena South Africa
- Welkom 1 2018 IFMAR Worlds 1:10 ISTC layout
- Welkom 2 2018 IFMAR Worlds 1:12 sportscars layout
- Welkom 3 new layout
- Welkom 6 oval
- Xtreme BO1 big oval
- Xtreme MO1 medium oval
VRC Dirt complex
- VRC Dirt 4 DRIFT
As beta testing support from the VRC community has been quite low, we are planning to organize Pre-Worlds test events on these tracks to iron out possible flaws before the VRC Worlds events take off.
03.10.2023 23 comments Category: Site news
The 2023 VRC Worlds for all modified classes are coming up fast, starting November 8 and finishing December 18. The Worlds have been advanced 3 weeks to avoid any Christmas season interruption by these most important VRC events of the year.
The tracks have now been allocated for the 9 modified classes:
Nov 8 - 1:12 sportscars @ Welkom Arena 2 (new)
Nov 15 - 1: 8 nitro GT3 @ Sao Paulo
Nov 22 - 1:10 nitro sedan @ Welkom Arena 3 (new)
Nov 22 - 1:8 RallyX @ VRC Dirt 4 Drift (new)
Nov 29 - 1:10 ISTC @ Welkom Arena 1 (new)
Nov 29 - 1:8 electric buggies @ Fear Farm * *
Dec 6 - 1:8 sportscars @ XTR LT4
Dec 6 - 1:10 SC Trucks @ IBR Padova *
Dec 6 - 1:8 nitro buggies @ NEO 1 *
* track changed
Of these 9 tracks, 2 have been released in June for the Spec Worlds, and 5 are brandnew and will be released shortly before the Worlds.
The 1:10 and 1:12 electric cars will race on the Welkom Arena tracks 1 and 2 which are the actual lay-outs of the 2018 IFMAR W... read more